Friday 20 July 2012

Oh dear...

Well it's been a couple of days since my last post and I'm not feeling great about it. I've been back to work a couple of days and it's really got me down, I don't love what I do but being back and having strangers hurl abuse at me has confirmed that in fact I hate what I do. I would love to start my own buisness but unfortunatly money is a bit of a problem so I'm just going to have to stick with it until I can afford otherwise. I know a few people in similar situations and it's not easy but the thought of something better in the future definatly helps the days go by.

Sorry for the downer guys and gals, hopefully things will look brighter in the morning.

Until next time, love to you all

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Back to work :(

After a glorious 2+ weeks off I now have to go back to work and I must say I’m not looking forward to it. I only have 2 days this week which is a blessing but I know it’s going to be manic due to the Olympics, in case you didn’t already know I work for a coach company operating at Stansted Airport, so the workload will probably have tripled since I went away.

I haven’t been doing much de-cluttering today as I’ve had a mountain of washing and ironing to do (yes I know I should have done it earlier but it’s been a bit crazy here lately) before I go back, that’s if my uniform still fits with all the lovely holiday food we’ve been eating I’ve probably gained a fair bit!

To top off the day I dyed my hair a colour that should have been mid brown but has turned into almost black, it doesn’t look bad but I’m definitely not happy with it, hopefully it will soften in a couple of washes.

Until next time, love to you all!


Monday 16 July 2012

Day 1 de-clutter

Well so far I have managed to collect two full bags of clothes for the local charity shops and cleared out my fb friends list. The first of these tasks was pretty easy as it wasn’t long ago I had the last wardrobe reshuffle but the friends list, now that was challenging!

All the people I deleted I had not spoken to in over a year so there was no hardship on that front but the time it takes to go through and take out people one at a time (if there is a faster way please let me know as I am such a technonoob) is just ridiculous! Overall I deleted 192 people and I am so glad I did, my phone isn’t going off every 5 seconds with pointless notifications and I’m not being inundated with friend requests from my friends teachers sisters cousins dog!

Take the step and de-clutter your social networking sites you’ll be glad you did.

Until next time, love to you all


Sunday 15 July 2012

De-cluttering your home is not as easy as it sounds

You might think that de-cluttering just means throwing out the giant pile of newspapers and magazines covering your coffee table and tidying up a bit and for some people it is (lucky organised bastards!) but for me and many others it means going through your life getting rid of all the crap we’ve collected over the years.

I recently got married and both me and my partner decided after all the wedding drama was out the way that we would get our flat in order, starting with a good clear out of all our overstuffed rooms and starting again. Well after much procrastination it’s finally time to knuckle down and sort things out. To help us on our way I started reading various blogs and the best one I found on the subject was ‘athriftymrs’ now you may already know of her blog or you might know her from channel 4s SuperScrimpers. Her insight on organisation and her posts on her ’30 day de-clutter’ are well worth a read if you’re like me and need a good bit of advice now and then. I could go on all day about her but I will let you check her out for yourselves .

Back to the point, I will be posting  when I can on how it is all going and shall show you some of the items destined for the charity shop or tip (remember to recycle responsibly) as and when I can.

Until next time love to you all


Tuesday 26 June 2012

To many things to do!

As you can probably see I have not really been fufilling my blogging duties, well there is a reason for this (it's not a good one but it's all I've got) I am getting married on saturday and with starting a new job, decorating and planning everything I haven't given myself a chance to sit and think, let alone write!

I have a post wedding resolution to dedicate more time to my blog and my crafts, hopefully I will even get around to finishing the decorating......well maybe.

Till next time lots of love!


Tuesday 14 February 2012

Turning our house into a home

Well it has been a busy few months as you can see by the lack of posts but I'm back and even busier! Me and the Mr have been slowly, and I mean slowly, stripping our flat down to its bare bones. Right now we are taking down the already crumbling artex from the living room ceiling, not at all easy and incredibly messy, definitely not for the faint hearted!

This the start of what will probably be a year long project so lots of late nights and full days. If you are thinking of redecorating think about the time you can dedicate to it. If you have very little free time just a lick of paint and some new accessories can make a room look totally different, maybe just moving the furniture around would do. If you have more time to spare then think about painting the ceilings and the woodwork as well as the walls, change the door handles if it suits or even start renovating a tired piece of furniture. If money is an issue see what you can pick up at charity shops and auctions, a little elbow grease and you could have a beautiful piece of furniture for a fraction of the cost.

More on this another day hopefully with pictures so you can see what I'm rabbiting on about!

Love to you all

Sunday 6 November 2011

Hello and Welcome!

This is my first post of my new blog, I am new to the world of blogging so hopefully this will be the start of many great experiences here.

I am working on a few projects at the moment which I hope to show you all soon but in the meantime if anybody has any suggestions of things they would like to see on here please let me know, I think I'll need all the help I can get!

Love to you all.